Success for you may mean getting on and gaining promotion. It may mean, doing more of what you enjoy doing. It could mean remaining employable in a changing world
The Adams Consultancy Limited has devised a development programme to help you, if you are keen to progress your career.
This post deals with the first stage in the Fast Forward Your Career programme, which is a personal audit or self-assessment. It answers the question:
How good am I now?
Margaret Adams says:
“My self-assessments cover your personal effectiveness, your work-life balance, your personal branding, your approach to using the online world, your approach to lifelong learning and more.
These self-assessments have lots of guidance on how to use them and what to do after completing the self-assessment. This is all to be found in:
Are You Ready To Succeed At Work?
Find Out How Good You Really Are.
Use these self-assessments or others that cover the issues raised above, and you will have completed the first part of the programme.”