Heard Of FE News

FE News

You may not have heard of this online publication.

However, if you want to build your brand, and become more influential in your niche, choose a publication which fits your approach and set out to write for it.

Here are some recent examples of how I do this AND build my online presence and standing at the same time.

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Building Your Online Presence – Today

Here is some good advice if you want to build your online presence.

Today you must have an online presence, if you want to achieve more in your career. You know this. The most important question for you to think about is: are you building a STRONG online presence right now?

After you have worked on the development issues you identified in Part One of Fast Forward Your Career, you can now start to build your online presence.

Continue reading “Building Your Online Presence – Today”

Are You Working Too Hard?

Are you working too hard?

Are you working too hard? Yes or no. Do you know for certain? Are you guessing? Do you believe people at your workplace know whether or not you work too hard?

It is worth knowing the correct answer to the question because you want to know if you are an employee who works intelligently and gets things done or if you are just coasting along, letting others do the difficult work.

How can you find out? Continue reading “Are You Working Too Hard?”